On Thursday June 18, fifty arts sector delegates from across Australia will gather in Canberra at Parliament house to participate in meetings, facilitated by Anne Dunn, with Senators Mark Dreyfus, Richard Di Natale, and (TBC) George Brandis.
If you are one of the NSW delegates attending you will already have received this information but if, like many of our stakeholders, you are not able to attend or may not have signed up the the #freethearts campaign then this update provides you with the tools to take action and have input.
First however SAVE THE DATE Thursday 2nd July
TNN has been advised that free the arts is ‘in the process of organising a larger follow-up whole of sector gathering in Sydney on July 2nd’. TNN will keep you up-to-date on this July 2nd event or you can send any questions or concerns to contact@freethearts.com.au
TNN also invites you to provide input for the delegation in Canberra next week. The delegates are sharing a planning document focussed on two questions:
1. What are the things we are not prepared to give up? e.g.
- six year funding for small to medium companies
- arms length peer assessment in arts decision making
- the artstart program
- support for individual artists
2. What are the new things that we want? e.g.
- a strong national advocacy voice for the whole arts sector
- an inclusive evidence based national cultural policy
- respect for the whole arts ecology
- real growth in arts investment in Australia
Theatre Network NSW would be happy to share your responses with the delegation if you would like to send them to director@tnn.org.au
Please use dot points and don’t repeat things listed already (below).
For more information or advice please don’t hesitate to contact TNN or #freethearts.
And if you haven’t already you can also contact your local Federal or State MPs to make them aware of your concerns and take those concerns to parliament.
Jane Kreis
Director, Theatre Network NSW
This text was sent as an email update to TNN’s Associates and Peers on Friday, 12th July 2015. With many thanks to #freethearts and those working hard to establish positive action on this matter.