Dear Associates and Peers,
If you can’t attend tonight’s Free the Arts forum (scroll down for agenda) at ATYP in Sydney it will be streamed from 6.00pm EST.
You can access the stream on the Free the Arts Facebook page: Free The Arts Facebook
or via the LiveStream event page Free the Arts Livestream
On twitter please use #freethearts – this tag will feed questions and suggestions into the conversation.
Please share these links with any colleagues who can’t get there in person and thanks to Feral Arts for arranging the live stream.
Theatre Network NSW (TNN) is drafting its own submission to the Senate Inquiry and would happily receive feedback from you about how the national funding changes are impacting on you and your organisation. Submissions are due by the 17th of July (2 weeks) so TNN would also encourage you to write your own submission.
If you need assistance: Paula Abood’s Senate Inquiry Submission Writing Workshop is at 4pm at ATYP this afternoon and is a great opportunity to get help with your own submission.
Theatre Network NSW is here to assist any in the NSW theatre sector with questions or concerns you might have relating to these changes and how you can connect with others (Call 0409 814 067 or Email
NAVA also has a very useful toolkit you can access here: NAVA Toolkit
And FINALLY – the information we have all be hanging on …. the release of the draft guidelines for the NPEA. The guidelines confirm that the NPEA will not support applications from individual artists or operational funding for organisations.
TNN will be providing feedback on the draft guidelines and you can too by emailing by 5pm AEST 31 July 2015. Again if you need assistance or advice, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
The draft guidelines for the National Program for Excellence in the Arts are available on the Ministry’s website at: NPEA Draft Guidelines

Australia’s arts sector is gathering to take control of its future. On the agenda:
* Advocacy – bringing the whole sector together with one voice
* Money – creative solutions to chronic underfunding
• Policy – filling the national policy voidThere are a number of opportunities to participate within the context of this meeting including:
4.00pm: Senate Inquiry Submission Writing Workshop
5.30pm: Drinks
6.00pm: Open Forum: Facilitated by Anne Dunn, this main session will be live streamed and focusing on our future, as a sector.
8.00pm: CLOSEJoin the conversation and stand up for #freethearts
If you are planning on attending, please register here: See you in SYDNEY!