Industry Mental Health
& ADSA 2016
At the recent Australian Drama Studies Association (ADSA) TNN was stunned by Entertain Assist’s recent Research Report: Mental Health in Australian Entertainment Industry. Please share these findings with your friends, family and colleagues and watch out for further updates in our e-news and services. This is going to take whole of industry change but if you or anyone you know is going through a hard time please let them know about Entertainment Assist’s Help Information. The organisation’s Research Report: Mental Health in Australian Entertainment Industry Phase Two findings “present a concerning picture about the health and well-being for those working in the Australian Entertainment Industry.
- Suicide attempts for Australian Entertainment Industry workers are more than double that of the general population.
- The levels of moderate to severe anxiety symptoms are 10 times higher than in the general population.
- The levels of depression symptoms are five times higher than in the general population.”
Theatre Network NSW presented on sector health and resilience at #ADSA 2016 with Mark Seton and Adrian Fisher on Wednesday, 22nd June at USQ’s Arts Theatre.
Adrian Fisher presented on the Entertain Assist research, Mark Seton on research on the impact of an actor’s career on personal relationships and TNN presented on the importance of networks in times of crisis. Fuelled by some eye-opening facts and participants’ own industry experiences, the panel agreed that this is an area that requires much greater scrutiny and support if our industry is to be truly resilient.
If you are interested in joining a TNN working group on this issue, please get in touch via director@tnn.org.au
This report was first published in TNN’s July 2016 ENews. To sign up to the ENews and access TNN services simply Get Associated here.
It’s OK to talk and ask for help.
If you are experiencing mental health issues, you are not alone.
Entertainment Assist’s research has shown that 1 in 3 people in the entertainment industry experience mental health issues and most people don’t know how to seek support.
If you are at immediate risk of harm to yourself or others, please contact:
Emergency Services on 000.
If you are feeling suicidal or concerned about someone who is, please call:
Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467. Available 24/7.
If you would like to talk to someone about your mental health, please call:
beyondblue on 1300 22 4636. Available 24/7.
For other services, click on the links here at Entertainment Assist’s Help Page