As the year draws to a close, its time for another Critical Stages Indy Theatre Forum!
This time Theatre Network NSW (TNN) will be there to lend a hand and keep the conversation moving. A great end of year gathering before all your official Xmas mayhem kicks in!
Stephen Henry (c) from ‘I Want to Know What Love Is’ (The Good Room)
If you’re an independent theatre-maker, producer, playwright, director, designer or actor and you’re based in NSW – come along to The Arts Exchange in the Rocks on Monday 5th December for some great conversation and vigorous discussion about the state of independent theatre in NSW – and some beer and pizza too to celebrate the end of 2016! .
Date: Monday, 5th December 2016
Time: Drinks from 6pm with forum kicking off at 6.30pm
Where: Arts Exchange, 10 Hickson Road, The Rocks, Sydney NSW 2000
RSVP: At Eventbrite!