The Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Foundation (RASF) is offering an opportunity for young people to be awarded up to $25,000 in funding for a community project in their local area. Taking part is easy:
- Identify a need in your rural NSW community
- Partner with a local community organisation
- Create a project plan for your initiative
Eligibility criteria: To be eligible applicants must be a resident of the rural NSW community the project will benefit.In the past this grant has carried an age limit of 35 years. This age limit has now been lifted, however the RAS Foundation remains committed to fostering youth leadership and will earmark a portion of the available grant funding to projects driven by young people.
What types of projects are eligible? The RASF invites ideas that deliver strong community benefits and result in enhanced economic and social outcomes for your community. Projects that involve collaboration between people in your town and deliver sustained and broad community benefits will be highly regarded. Applicants will be passionate about rural and regional NSW, and have a good understanding of any issues affecting their community. Infrastructure for local showgrounds and Show Societies are eligible. The improvements must demonstrate that they go beyond benefiting just the local Show Society in running the local Show, but rather enabling broader use by other community groups to run on-going projects or programs.
What projects are not eligible?While the criteria for this program are broad, the RASF does not fund wages, consultant’s fees, one-off events, operational and administration costs, travel or accommodation.
What is a Community Partner? A Community Partner can be any local agency or group that delivers a service, provides a benefit or whose purpose is charitable in nature. For example, educational organisations, your local Show Society or service club (Rotary, The Lions Club, Apex etc). Closing Date for applications is midnight, 15th January 2017.
Source: RAS Foundation Community Futures Grant – Royal Agricultural Society of NSW