In their welcome, Co-Curators, Alexis West & Steve Mayhew, ask us ‘where we are now since we last met in January 2015?’. It seems surreal to reflect that Theatre Network NSW was officially launched at ATF 2015 and welcomed by our sector. Thank you to ATF, TNA and our sector. Two and a half years on and we look forward to meeting with you at the 2017 ATF…
Registrations for 2017 in Adelaide are now open!
The Australian Theatre Forum is an industry event for professional theatre practitioners, producers and commentators that welcomes participation from all parts of the industry—independents and project based collectives, small to medium and major companies, producing venues and festivals.
Independent Delegates Expression of Interest process is now closed and being assessed. Approved Independents will be notified shortly in time to register.
Source: Curator’s Welcome | Australian Theatre Forum