Create NSW has several funding rounds still open including
- Aboriginal Quick Response (Applications are received throughout the year for activities occurring between 1 July 2017 and 30 June 2018. Please allow up to 4 weeks for your application to be assessed and processed)
- Artist Support Quick Response (Applications are received throughout the year for activities occurring between 1 July 2017 and 30 June 2018. Please allow up to 4 weeks for your application to be assessed and processed)
- Creative Capital Grants Closing 10 November
Funding supports professional and market development opportunities for NSW Aboriginal artists and arts workers.
Artist Support Quick Response funding provides professional development opportunities for NSW-based professional artists and arts/cultural workers to support skills development, take up outstanding opportunities of significance for their practice and/or develop markets.
Creative Capital Funds are available for the improvement of arts and cultural infrastructure and the purchase of equipment used for arts and cultural purposes in Blue Mountains, Newcastle, Sydney, Western Sydney and Wollongong.
Source: Creative Capital – Create NSW