If you missed it, the next instalment in a long-term economic study of Australian Performing Artists was released in November. The full dashboard and range of reports are available on the Australia Council for the Arts website here.
Making Art Work: An Economic Study of Professional Artists in Australia by David Throsby and Katya Petetskaya is the sixth in a series carried out independently over thirty years by Professor Throsby at Macquarie University, with funding from the Australia Council. The series tracks trends in the lives and working conditions of Australian artists over 30 years and identifies challenges and opportunities for artists’ careers into the future. Aspects explored include:
- the composition of the artist population
- education and training
- career progression
- income and expenditure
- patterns of working time
- professional practice issues
- intellectual property and copyright issues
- use of digital technology
The artists surveyed covered eight broad areas of practice: actors/directors; community arts and cultural development (CACD) artists; composers; craft practitioners; dancers/choreographers; musicians; visual artists; and writers.
The data can be explored through interactive dashboards and from the perspective of professional Australian artists.