Date: Monday 26 February 2018
Time: 6 – 8pm
Where: Utzon Room, Sydney Opera House
Admission: Free (SAMAG members)
In the aftermath of the Harvey Weinstein charges, sexism across the arts and entertainment industry quickly rose to become one of the hottest topics of 2017. The #metoo campaign brought much needed focus to this important issue, which has received wide ranging coverage across the arts industry over recent months. Many of us have been engaging in discussions in small groups and online but the question remains, #metoo, but what next?
This seminar brings the arts community together to have this conversation in an interactive manner, offering everyone a voice and role in finding solutions for a collective way forward. Various arts leaders will discuss a range of perspectives and stories, with calls to action and a focus on what future change can we create in 2018 to make the arts sector in Australia a safer, fairer place.
Following short provocations from our speakers, audience members will join facilitated break-out groups for further in-depth discussion into particular issues. There is power in solidarity, comradery and coming together and this seminar aims to encourage a culture of talking about this issue openly and continuing the dialogue regularly in supportive, healthy environments.
Lindy Hume: Director/Artistic Director, 10 Days on the Island
Amrita Hepi: Bundjulung and Ngapuhi dancer and choreographer @amrita_hepi
Liz Duck-Chong: Writer, photographer, musician, pun aficionado, podcaster, occasional filmmaker, bumblebee enthusiast and ex-roadie @lizduckchong
Michael Brealey: CEO of Create NSW
Chair: Amy Maiden, General Manager, Australian Theatre for Young People @amymaiden