Access to clear information and understanding is critical to overcoming or managing abuses of power. In response to stakeholder feedback and as part of TNN’s 2018 HR Best Practice & Defamation Law workshop, TNN with the help of our workshop speakers and other peak agencies has put together:
REFERRAL INFORMATION for those seeking confidential support around abuses of power, harassment or bullying.

Legal Services
Women’s Legal Services NSW
Women’s Legal Services NSW (WLS NSW) provides free confidential legal advice and referrals to women in NSW, with a focus on family law, parenting issues, domestic violence, sexual assault and discrimination. For more information about the types of legal matters in which WLS NSW can provide legal advice or representation see Areas of Law. WLS NSW provides a free service for all women in the community, particularly for those who are socially and economically disadvantaged. Women can seek legal advice by phone or with a lawyer face-to-face.
T: 02 8745 6900 F: 02 9749 4433
PO Box 206, Lidcombe NSW 1825 Email:
The Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW
Promotes anti-discrimination and equal opportunity principles and policies throughout NSW and administers the Act. It is part of the NSW Department of Justice. It’s three main functions are: 1) to provide an enquiry service for people who want to know about their rights or responsibilities under anti-discrimination law. The board also accepts discrimination complaints, investigate complaints and conciliate complaints when appropriate; 2) to inform NSW people about their rights and responsibilities under anti-discrimination laws and explain how they can prevent and deal with discrimination; 3) advise NSW government on discrimination matters.
The board provides a free, confidential enquiry service for people experiencing discrimination; employers; and service providers.
T: (02) 9268 5544 Tollfree: 1800 670 812 (free call outside Sydney)
Complaints can be handled by contacting
Post: PO Box W213, Parramatta Westfield NSW 2150
Street address: Level 7/10 Valentine Avenue, Parramatta NSW
PO Box W213, Parramatta Westfield NSW 2150
FairWork Ombudsman
Provides information on workplace rights and obligations which include, but are not limited to, bullying and harassment. To apply for an order to stop workplace bullying contact the FairWork Commission at
Arts Law Centre of Australia
Arts Law is Australia’s independent national community legal centre for the arts, a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee. Arts Law provides free or low cost specialised legal advice, education and resources to Australian artists and arts organisations across all art forms, on a wide range of arts related legal and business matters. Arts Law services are provided responsively, respectfully, professionally and confidentially. You are eligible for advice from Arts Law if you are an artist or an arts organisation and your query relates to your arts practice. Arts Law gives free or low-cost legal advice to artists and arts organisations all over Australia on a wide range of arts-related legal and business issues. Arts Law can’t advise on harassment at work and aren’t employment or discrimination lawyers but can advise on other arts related queries including copyright, contracts and debt.Arts Law usually deals with your enquiry by providing either a telephone legal advice or a document review.
General Support Services
Contact either your local police or the police in the area that the incident occurred. The non-emergency phone number for police is: 131 444
Mental Health Services
Lifeline 131114
Beyond Blue 1300 224 636
Suicide Call-Back Service 1300 659 467
MensLine Australia 1300789978
Parent Line NSW 1300 130 052
NSW Mental Health Line 1800 011 511
Sexual Assault Services
Sexual Assault Counselling Australia 1800 211 028
NSW Rape Crisis Centre 1800 424 017
Medical Services
GPs can work with you to find and access the right support for you. Your GP can also provide you with a mental health care plan where you will money back from Medicare for up to 10 individual or 10 group appointments with an allied mental health service per year.
Australian Clinical Psychology Association (ACPA): You don’t need a referral from your GP to contact a clinical psychologist. If you’ve found one or more that interest you, you can get in touch with questions about their practice and therapy models.
Arts Industry Related Services
Artists for Safe Theatres
Web information via MEAA website
Artists for Safe Theatres is a group of freelance Australian theatre artists working to achieve safe theatrical workspaces in Australia, free of harassment and bullying.You can get in touch with Sophie Ross and the team at Artists for Safe Theatres at Artists for Safe Theatres will work with you to access the support you need.
Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA)
MEAA is the union for people working across the arts, entertainment, sports, outdoor, music and events industries – those behind the scenes and on centre stage.MEAA members can seek advice and representation on dealing with sexual harassment. MEAA recommends that assault or other criminal offences should be reported directly to the police in your state. MEAA is developing specific policies to be included in the screen industry safety code. Download the draft code and policies here.To join call MEAA Member Central on 1300 65 65 13 or visit them online at
Live Performance Australia (LPA)
LPA provides information and advice to LPA Members on a broad range of workplace relations matters. To enquire about becoming an LPA Member please contact us on (03)8614 2000 or at LPA is releasing a code to prevent discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying which you can view here: