TNN’s 2015 Major Event is ‘Building Audience Diversity’
We want it. We need it. Be part of it.
When: Thursday 14th May from 2-5pm with drinks to follow
Where: Bankstown Arts Centre, 5 Olympic Pde, Bankstown*
*For those who can’t be there ‘in person’ TNN offers an online event ticket providing live streaming and personal interaction with the event.
Step into the Bankstown Arts Centre’s rehearsal space and join your peers for a tightly knit exploration of audience diversity and how we build it. The atmosphere is informal but the 3 hours of time together, will reveal clever examples and a cohesive process for developing audience diversity.
Join your peers and our guest speaker Kristine Landon-Smith, Artistic Director with UK-based ‘Tamasha’ theatre and NIDA Lecturer. TNN’s guest facilitator, Fiona Winning, Head of Programming Sydney Festival 2015, will weave us through a truly connected conversation designed to focus on what we do well, what we need to do it, as well as some actions to take away.
We all have our own experiences of audience diversity but what does it take to really achieve it? TNN’s guest speaker, Kristine Landon-Smith, Artistic Director with UK-based Tamasha and NIDA Lecturer. Kristine will kick start the event with her own experience of what we all want – a diverse audience. Her presentation and the ensuing conversation with you and our guest ‘provocateurs’ will reveal the key elements necessary to build audience diversity.
Our provocateurs include:
- Sonny Dallas Law
- Rosie Dennis (Urban Theatre Projects)
- Michelle Kotevski Riverside Theatre
- Annette Shun Wah (Performance4a)
- Karen Therese (Powerhouse Youth Theatre).
Theatre Network NSW (TNN) is a NSW-based organisation that works in partnership with similar organisations to lead, strengthen and support the professional theatre industry buy building capacity in the small-to-medium and independent sectors, and connection and working with the major companies.
The focus of TNN’s 2015 program is on building the foundations of the organization through three (3) key areas of connecting the members of our sector with each other, building relationships with peer organisations, developing advocacy tools and strategies.
This is TNN’s major event for the year. Informal yet providing critical insight connection for anyone in the NSW theatre sector this event has been developed to be acute and accessible.
The emphasis for our major event is to provide rigour, collegial connectedness, networked action, inspiration, and groundedness on a topic that is of utmost importance to our sector. Can’t wait for you to join us in which ever way you can.
For more information contact Jane Kreis, Director, Theatre Network NSW on 0409 814 067 or