Your thoughts and feedback on this and other sector resources always invited. What is working well in our sector? What isn’t? What do we need? Who is doing what?
Theatre Info Sydney a free and sought after resource
Theatre Info Sydney is not just about Sydney. And it has just done a massive overhaul of its regional NSW listing. This is a nuts and bolts site that gives an incredible insight into who is presenting what, where and when. Use the links on the left hand side to also look up Theatre for Sydney metro listings, kids, media Twitter links, gender statistics for NSW theatre, and much more.
Niall Tangney who voluntarily manages the site admits it might not be the most beautiful but as far as TNN knows, it is one of the few performing arts information portals that has such dedicated touring and production listings and that lists free of charge. This means it has a very diverse range of productions and tour information from professional to community theatre and much more. So please use it, list on it, and share it around the sector. The more it is used, the stronger it becomes.
Use it for your programming and to see what venues or partners are out there for your show. This is pretty much what was last asked for at Critical Stage’s last Indy Theatre Forum in December.
Of course there are a myriad of marketing and promotional online media platforms which TNN is also happy to share but rarely is it all in one place and accessible to anyone. This makes TNN wonder how we can better work together to keep our sector as informed as it possibly can.