Alrighty! After reading about Honor Eastly’s ‘Starving Artist‘ in ArtsHub I was intrigued enough to visit the site and have now signed up for the podcast and emails! If you haven’t already covered the same ground, Starving Artist a podcast about art, money, and how to combine those things. Each podcast features an interview with successful artists where Honor asks ‘really nosy questions about their financial situation’.
Asking artists how they get by reminds me somewhat of my own PhD research more than a decade ago and I’m still seeing the results of asking those questions today (O wonderful research participants you know who you were!). I firmly believe that all of us in the arts sector (and of course the rest of society) have a lot to constantly learn from one another and that this curious engagement and willing to try new things is part of what keeps us afloat. Jane Kreis, Theatre Network NSW.
In this month’s E-News TNN asked it Associates about ways in which they were paying the rent and ways our industry might consider such approaches more broadly.

This is not a new concept but it is one that still requires significant consideration and joint action. In order to assist TNN’s work, and others, in this area TNN is calling for submissions on ways individuals and organisations are trying sustain their practice outside of, or with far less reliance on, standard funding models.
Simply email with any information you wish to share and we’ll be sure to follow up.