Fresh off the Regional Arts NSW press….is this valuable grant round for regional artists in NSW and closing on Thursday 10 August 2017
Applications are now being accepted for the Regional Arts Fund (RAF), an Australian Government initiative that supports sustainable cultural development in regional and remote communities in Australia. Find out more at Applications Now Open for the Regional Arts Fund 2018 | Regional Arts NSW
The program is managed by Regional Arts Australia and Regional Arts NSW, and is designed to benefit regional and remote arts practitioners, arts workers, audiences and communities. Funding for the 2018 round is available for projects commencing between 1 January and 31 December 2018.
Projects must be based or delivered in regional NSW, with grants available in the categories of New Initiatives and Partnerships. The arts or cultural focus of the project can include visual arts, circus, dance, film, literature, music, theatre, puppetry, digital media and cross-art-form works. Projects are also eligible for multi-year funding for up to 2 years. In 2017, the RAF Community Grants saw support for 22 new projects sharing in more than $434,000.
“The RAF funds amazing projects in regional NSW, clearly demonstrating the excellence of arts practice in this state,” CEO of Regional Arts NSW, Elizabeth Rogers, said. “The high standard of applications for imaginative and innovative work is very exciting.”
Applicants are encouraged to discuss their proposed RAF projects with their local Regional Arts Development Organisation (RADO) prior to submission for one-on-one support. Those seeking more than $20,000 in funding for New Initiatives or Partnerships must discuss their application with the Grants & Projects Manager at Regional Arts NSW by calling (02) 9270 2501 or emailing
Source: Applications Now Open for the Regional Arts Fund 2018 | Regional Arts NSW