It’s Indy-a-go-go right now as you all get together at various meetings and forums around NSW.
We’ve heard from our friends at Critical Stages and MEAA and around the sector that your meetings have been productive but that you need support to get traction on what you’d like to achieve including venues, networks, sharing of resources and knowledge. Theatre Network NSW as the peak agency for theatre in NSW was developed to address many of these concerns and currently talking with stakeholders to get a working group onto potential solutions. Although small we have a clear focus on building capacity in the small to medium and independent sector and have a networked approach to achieving this.

In the meantime Critical Stages tell us that their next Indy Theatre Forum will be on:
Friday 4 August from 4pm – 5:30pm
The forum is co-hosted by the wonderful team at the Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre in Penrith
TNN will work to contribute some feedback for those attending that meeting and through our regular channels.
If you’re an Indy Theatre maker in NSW or interested in finding out more about support and actions being undertaken, please send Jane a direct email at
Talk more soon, TNN