These recommendations are set out in our new discussion paper, An Open and Creative City.
The changes would make it easier for:
- shops and businesses to extend trading from 7am to 10pm every day in key retail areas
- plays and other live performances, exhibitions and small-scale cultural events to take place in existing buildings
- venue operators to support live music while managing noise for nearby residents.
This discussion paper is part of our work to strengthen Sydney’s cultural life, boost the night-time economy and support the local live music and performance scene.

Sydney’s night-time economy produces around $3.64 billion in revenue per year, involving more than 4,600 businesses and employing over 32,000 people.
The creative sector is also vital to Sydney’s future. NSW is home to 40 per cent of the nation’s creative industries workforce and contributes $1.4 billion to the NSW economy. Much of this is concentrated in the City of Sydney area.
If you would like to learn more about these proposals, TNN encourages you and your colleagues to attend one of the following briefing sessions in the Marconi Room, Level 4, Town Hall House, 456 Kent Street, Sydney:
- 8am on Tuesday 14 November
- 2pm on Tuesday 14 November
- 5:30pm on Thursday 16 November.
The discussion paper is on public exhibition until 13 December 2017.
For more information, or to provide feedback, visit Sydney Your Say.
City staff will consider all feedback and prepare new planning controls, which will also go on exhibition. If adopted by Council, the planning controls will be submitted to the Greater Sydney Commission. This is likely to be in late 2018.
If you have any questions, please call Jen Guice, Senior Project Manager at City of Sydney on 9246 7615.