NSW Legislative Council’s Portfolio Committee No. 6 – Planning and Environment is currently conducting an inquiry into the music and arts economy in New South Wales. The terms of reference for the inquiry and two information brochures are attached for your information.
Theatre Network NSW will be making a submission to the inquiry. We encourage our NSW peers and stakeholders to do so too. The closing date for submissions is Wednesday 28 February 2018.
Submissions can be lodged via:
· the committee’s website
· email to portfoliocommittee6@parliament.nsw.gov.au
· letter to The Director, Portfolio Committee No. 6, Parliament House, Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000.
Submissions are confidential until the committee decides to publish them. Once published, submissions are usually placed on the committee’s website. Please note that personal contact details will be removed. If you would like to request that all or some of your submission be kept confidential, including your identity, you need to state so clearly in your submission. The committee will consider your request.
If the committee accepts your submission, it will be protected by parliamentary privilege. Anyone who republishes a committee document may be subject to the laws of defamation.
Further details about the inquiry such as hearing details will be published on the committee’s website as they become available.
Further information about participating in an Upper House inquiry is here
That Portfolio Committee No. 6 – Planning and Environment inquire into and report on the music and arts economy in New South Wales, including regional New South Wales, and in particular:
(a) progress on the implementation of the Government response to the New South Wales Night-Time
Economy Roundtable Action Plan,
(b) policies that could support a diverse and vibrant music and arts culture across New South Wales,
(c) policies that could support the establishment and sustainability of permanent and temporary venue spaces for music and for the arts,
(d) policy and legislation in other jurisdictions, and options for New South Wales including red tape reduction and funding options, and
(e) any other related matter.