Nominations are now open for the 2019 Australia Council Awards and the 2019 National Indigenous Arts Awards.
Both of these significant awards programs celebrate outstanding achievements of individuals in the arts and their contributions to the arts and cultural life of the nation.
The Australia Council Awards include categories for music, literature, community arts and cultural development, visual arts, theatre, dance and emerging and experimental arts, while the National Indigenous Arts Awards take in the Red Ochre award for senior First Nations artists and the Dreaming award for emerging First Nations artists.
To find out more about the awards and how you can nominate, visit the Australia Council website before 2 October.
The Australia Council Awards acknowledge the contribution of artists to the Australian arts and cultural landscape.
With eight categories – music, literature, community arts and cultural development (CACD), emerging and experimental arts, visual arts, theatre, and dance – the annual awards recognise the breadth and diversity of practice in Australia while celebrating the achievements of individual artists.
Nominations are open for the 2019 Australia Council Awards until 2 October 2018. Visit the Australia Council website for more information.
Each year, the National Indigenous Arts Awards celebrate the achievements of individual First Nations artists and their contribution to the Australian arts.
The Red Ochre Awardpays tribute to one living male and one female Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander artist for their outstanding lifetime achievement. Nominations are invited from arts and community organisations and individuals and senior artists may self-nominate in this category.
The Dreaming Awardrecognises the achievements and potential of an emerging Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander artist aged 18-26 years. Successful candidates in this category will be mentored in their chosen discipline by another established artist or arts institution. Emerging artists are invited to submit an expression of interest to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts Strategy Panel.
To find out more about the National Indigenous Arts Awards and to nominate/submit an expression of interest, visit the Australia Council website before 2 October 2018.