In November and December TNN partnered on two Sydney-based events aimed at NSW independent theatre makers. 2017 sees a bigger Indy Theatre Forum in our future. Here’s the wrap…

Speed Networking with AIM Dramatic Arts and Creative Plus Business kicked off at the Pilgrim Theatre on Monday 7th November.
This event was remarkable for the professional connections it generated between established between the independent producers and emerging independents although the human bingo was a bit of a hit as well! About 3o attendees enjoyed meeting new theatre colleagues, drinks and some pretty tasty bar snacks.
Indy Theatre Forum and Drinks held with Critical Stages at The Arts Exchange on Monday 5th December.
Pizza and beer and good company drew a crowd of about 50 who openly and collectively discussed issues for action including:
- access to venues and performance spaces;
- sharing knowledge of resources and production tips (don’t forget TNN’s share, swap ‘n’ sell page is there to be used for some of this);
- working to get more independent theatre texts into high school curriculum;
- funding calendars and event calendars for the sector;
- touring and extending production life of shows.
TNN furiously took notes onto giant butchers paper sheets which will be typed up and uploaded to this page and shared with attendees as soon as they are available.
TNN is now working with Critical Stages, The Seymour Centre, and MEAA to develop a more in-depth event for independent theatre makers to connect and address specific issues. Previously scheduled for 24-25 March 2017 this has now been postponed to slightly later in the year. TBC
This will allow a larger group of independents to share their work and to drill down into what is working and what is not currently working in our sector. The event will factor in previous indy theatre event attendees as well as the MEAA Young and Equity – Indy Brains Trust.
If you would like to be kept in the know you can register for TNN’s Enews and other services here. TNN now also has Organisational membership for unfunded and funded companies that will cover your whole company if you need.