Theatre Network Australia 2017 National Salary Survey is now open and we invite you to participate –
TNN is told it it should take approximately 10 minutes of your time … but it took us less than five we reckon 😉
Eligible organisations are non-profit arts organisations across Australia with salaried staff and an annual turnover of $4m or less. (TNA will be running an Independents Survey later in the year.)
The published results are entirely anonymous (see previous reports here). Identification questions are for internal purposes only, and allow TNA to clarify responses if necessary. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact TNA’s General Manager, Simone Schinkel, on
The more responses our sector provides, the richer the data, so please feel free to pass the link onto your colleagues. The deadline for responses is Friday 28 April 2017.
Early findings will be presented back to the sector in May and the full published report will be made available to TNA members in June 2017. Previous reports are here
And if you’ve missed out on joining Theatre Network Australia and/or Theatre Network NSW we’ve made it easy by bundling them for you, discounting it and giving you more bang for your buck! Click here to find out how