Communities and Culture – LGNSW Research into Arts, Culture and Heritage
Coming across the TNN desk recently was this report which has taken several years of research and analysis and which reveals a far more interesting and valuable picture of NSW local government support for arts and culture.
TNN works with a range of local councils and we know that many of our members are too. For those of you seeking to work with your own local communities or take work into other communities this is a fundamental piece of research that you can use to establish the important relationships with local government that you will need.
Communities and Culture is a unique, qualitative study undertaken by LGNSW which identifies how councils deliver arts, culture and heritage services and, in doing so, highlights that existing quantitative data vastly under-represents the actual commitment of councils in NSW.
In-depth interviews were conducted with council general managers and senior directors between November 2015 and August 2016.
Communities and Culture reveals an otherwise told story of council activities which add life and value to communities across NSW.
Download the Communities and Culture report here (PDF, 1.2MB).
Visit here for more about LGNSW Arts and Culture