In order to demonstrate the global nature of theatre and dance, ITI is – for the first time ever – launching a truly open call for nominations of message authors for World Theatre Day and International Dance Day. There will be five message authors selected, one for each region: Africa, Arab Countries, Asia Pacific, the Americas and Europe.
Please participate.

As 2018 is the Year of ITI, as ITI is celebrating its 70th Anniversary, we are approaching the celebration of World Theatre Day and International Dance Day in a different way. Indeed, ITI will select not only one distinguished personality to write the message for World Theatre Day and International Dance Day, but five: one from each of the five ITI regions that are in alignment with the regions of UNESCO: Africa, the Americas, the Arab Countries, Asia Pacific and Europe.
Please >>click here to download the call in English for the World Theatre Day
Please >>click here to download the call in English for the International Dance Day
Please send us your nomination until 15 October 2017.
>>To see the previous World Theatre Day message authors please click here.
>>To see the previous International Dance Day message authors please click here.