IETM Event dates: 26-29 April 2018
Amount: $3,000
EOI’s close: Midnight, Tuesday 23 January 2018
Notification: Late February 2018
About the opportunity: Expressions of Interest are now open for support to attend the IETM Spring Plenaryin Porto, Portugal from 26- 29 April 2018.
Australia Council has worked in partnership with the International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts Network (IETM) since 2009 to develop long term collaborations and co-productions between Australian and European artists. This project has now evolved into a broader engagement with European networks and partners.
The Australia Council will lead an Australian delegation at the 2018 IETM Spring Plenaryin Porto, Portugal. The Council’s International Development Manager – Europe will work with the delegation in Porto.The theme for the Spring Plenary will be announced by early December 2017. Council will support delegates who best respond to the theme in their practice. Artists, producers and organisations working in these priority areas are encouraged to submit an expression of interest.
The Council will provide six delegates with $3,000 each towards the cost of attending. Supported delegates will be responsible for all costs associated with attending the meeting including flights, visas, insurance, accommodation and registration.
Source: IETM Spring Plenary Porto 2018 | Australia Council