Great news! The Australian Alliance for Wellness in Entertainment (AAWE) is launched and running and, like TNN, if you share AAWE’s Statement of Values you can sign up and be part of something better for our industry.
The Australian Alliance for Wellness in Entertainment aims to develop and implement a Prevention First Framework for Mental Health in the Australian Entertainment Industry. An industry research study will be conducted in association with Everymind (formerly Hunter Institute for Mental Health) to inform the Framework. The study will involve state based industry forums followed by an online survey to seek input from those unable to attend the forums. The NSW forum is being held as part of How Can the Show Go On? Performing Arts Wellbeing Summit on 13 November. Tickets are $35 and include morning/arvo tea & lunch as well as the full day’s program.
Join us at the summit and consider signing up to AAWE and the values that it upholds. #wecandobetter
… The positive mental health and wellbeing of our industry peers is important to all of us.
AAWE has developed a Statement of Values highlighting respect, integrity, empathy, courage and collaborative leadership. We aim to raise awareness and provide practical support and monitoring of the mental health and wellbeing of our industry people.
As a member of AAWE, we ask that you uphold these values. If enacted, we will see an industry full of people who feel valued, supported and connected …
Source: Statement of Values — Entertainment Assist